Saturday, October 17, 2009

I Am Just Trifling

So I disappeared again but I think this time I have good reason to have done so. In the past few weeks I started a new job all while continuing my current job. I am working two jobs, taking dance and taking a tax class. I am all over the place. I still have somewhat of a social life.

So let me catch you up on some of my life. My new job is working at a small law firm. I am hoping I can gain some experience but that is still up in the air. My boss never completes a sentence and I never know if he wants me to come to work the next day so we shall see. The secretary is pretty nice and at least I have someone who is a witness to the craziness.

Last weekend I went to Charlotte for a bridal shower and had so much fun. My linesisters and little sisters were there. We got to reminisce and make new memories. Love it!

So I came back to my state and went to visit a friend before I planned to go home Sunday evening. While I was hanging out I got phone calls and texts informing me that my email had been hacked into. Some psycho had hacked into my account and was sending out an email to all my friends saying that I had been robbed at gun point and needed money. I have two gmail accounts so I went into my other account to confront the individual b/c the idiot was still logged into my account. They told me they loved me and that is why they were going to impersonate me. I am just afraid that they are going to impersonate me as an attorney. I just got the license so I can't have that. I tried to handle as much as I could on Sunday and handled the rest on Monday. I feel safer but not completely safe.

Up until Thursday I was having nightmares about identity theft. I didn't sleep well most of the week but last night I finally got enough sleep and feel rested.

I feel like I am leaving something out but I can't remember what that is right now. I will do better--I promise!

Coco, Esq.