Tuesday, June 15, 2010


You guys should be used to randoms by now ;-)

I actually had a topic but who actually remembers what it was.

If you haven't done it lately send someone a love note: a friend, family member, or lover. Make someone feel good! I did that the other day and my friend actually said she cried. I have more notes to send out.

If I haven't told you lately I love you!

I know you are tired of hearing this but I really like Crush. The only difference this time is I am not attempting to do anything about it. He doesn't want me or at least doesn't want to act on wanting me so I keep it moving. I am proud of me.

So my weave is coming out for a few days. I go to the dermatologist and want him to see my dry, itchy scalp. This should be pretty interesting since I haven't had a relaxer in 12 weeks. The longest I have gone without is 10 weeks and I swore I would never do that again.

Let's go Celtics!

Congratulations to Mommy KC! Baby ButterBean made his appearance yesterday morning. I am so happy and your mommy care package has been placed in the mail. I pray nothing breaks. I wrapped it up in paper but the mailman was insistent on me not using my bubble wrap.

So yesterday I almost had a meltdown. My meltdown almost came from my mommy being her overly dramatic self. I had a few health issues earlier this year and I tried to get insurance. They turned me down b/c I didn't have a consistent medical history (since I haven't been to the doctor since grad school). I have been relative healthy these past few years minus an infection or two so I am going to claim that the next couple of years won't be any different. Well she kept harassing me about not being able to get insurance. It is what almost caused my mini meltdown. She asked called me three times about it. Too dang dramatic! I was also upset about my unemployment situation. Let's just say I need to find a job immediately!

Friday is Graduation from dance class! I am so excited!

So today my brea.st were on display. I went to get a pedicure and do you know the lady asked me if I just had a baby. o_O They have gotten larger but dang lady that was so unnecessary.

Next week is Mexico! So excited!

That is all I have today!

Coco, Esq.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Randoms of Coco

Tomorrow is my last day of work. I am so ready for it to be over but I will miss my paycheck.

I will tell you all about the job once it is over. The best word to describe it is unorganized.

Congratulations to Babs! Welcome Baby Foxy!

Part-time came to my bestie's bbq and we all had fun. Bestie likes him as a person.

Crush was there but he left before Part-time got there.

Did I ever tell you all how I don't like Ko.be at all? Yeah I am cheering for the Cel.tics all day every day in this series!

It is getting closer to the wedding and I can't find a swimsuit so I can frolic on the Mexican beach.

My sperm donor is full of isht. I don't think I have told you guys that lately.

Married men need to stay away from me and my friends. I don't give you the idea that I won't you so leave me alone.

I sent Mrs. Count an email asking to be placed on her prayer list. Can I just say she is so sweet! Hey girl! She reminds myself of a younger me when it comes to knowing when she wants something. I think she is a lot more set in her faith than I am. Sleep is one of my vices. The only problem is I can't stay asleep in the morning but I could sleep all through the day.

There are a lot of angels looking out for me. Thank you Lord!

My dress for the wedding is way too big but I think it will be lovely once it is altered.

For Mother's Day we got my granny a new vanity for the bathroom. Well my mom thought we should get new accessories for the bathroom. We went shopping last night around 9. Do you know we didn't get home until after 10 and she already started putting it up. Sit down somewhere woman. Did I mention is was way past her bedtime?

I am enjoying my po.le dancing class. It is great exercise! My belly is tight!

I have about 8 books I am supposed to be reading. I guess I should get started huh?

I have really missed you guys and I think it is time I start giving you more substance.

Coco, Esq.