Sunday, June 24, 2007

Have You Ever Counted Your Blessings

Today I went to church and the pastor talked about counting your blessings. He said that you will never be able to count all the blessings the Lord has bestowed upon you. He is so right! Even though I can't count all my blessings I wanted to count some of them just to let people know that God is a good God and all I do would not be possible without him.

1. March 27, 1981--my birth.
2. Sylvia and Donald--my parents--they love me more than can be described.
3. Sylvia--my mother goes above and beyond the duty of motherhood. If I need it my mother will make sure I get it.
4. Gladys--my granny--we don't always get along but she is always looking out for my best interest.
5. June 4, 1999--high school graduation
6. May 11, 2003--college graduation
7. December 15, 2006--law school graduation
8. May 18, 2007--I passed the bar.
9. June 8, 2007--I was sworn in.
10. God gave me another chance at law school and now I can practice law.
11. I am blessed with wonderful friends from all over and all walks in my life.
12. I have a wonderful church that I attend where I am taught the word of the Lord.
13. The Lord has allowed me to wake up every day.

These blessings are the big ones. In no way have I listed all the blessings that I have received. Just wanted to list the major ones. Think about blessings you have received and thank God that you are alive to be able to do so.

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