Friday, February 6, 2009

Obligatory Post of The Week/Randomness in My Life

Ok so is "I want you to sit on my fa.ce" the new pickup line? I went out last weekend and I was clearly minding my own business in my cute sweater dress and I get that. Can you say keep it moving? Do you even know me like that to say it much less attempt to do it?

I love my friends! I just wanted to let them know.

I am so ok being by myself right now. I would love to date (not pressed about it) but I would first need to leave the house and then meet someone. I got to spend time with the crush on Sunday and that was interesting. He is hilarious and sweet. I love the fact that he makes me laugh. No matter what he will be a great friend. I think I am about to place him in the friend category. I also think I like him more than he likes me.

I need a new car so bad. The other day I was riding around in my mother's old car and it just turned off as I was making a right turn. That was the one time I was happy to live in a small town. Some men were nice enough to help me and I was able to walk to my cousin's job to borrow her car. There aren't as many gentlemen out there as I thought b/c a lot of men just drove around me. Well the car is fixed now.

I am supposed to be going to a Federal Job Fair on Wednesday. Keep me in your prayers!

I just want to give a shout out to my LS LNB! I know she reads this and we don't talk often but I want her to know I love her. I love you too LS AH!

Ink and paper are very expensive!

I miss Part-time but he is an asshole. We haven't had a falling out or anything but I don't have the urge to talk to him. We are just a never ending cycle. This is my opportunity to break the cycle.

There is something I want to tell you guys but I don't know what you will think of me after I tell it. My close friends know. It is not bad but when it happened it felt terrible.


Anonymous said...

Hi my Front!! Thanks for the shot out:) Stay positive!! talk to you soon :) Love ya! LB

Jameil said...

worst line ever!! fall back, negro!! at least there are SOME gentlemen. hope something happened at the fair. update please! breaking cycles is so important.