Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tell 'Em How You Feel Thursday

So today was long and boring! I played on the internet all day in between job searching. I am really hoping that I will get a phone call really soon saying I got the job. The main people said I am eligible/qualified for the job. Pray for me!

I can be financial in my sorority again! My grad chapter jacked up my dues and I thought it was taken care of until I tried to pay my dues last year. So now I can be active and financial!

I finally harassed the bride enough to go ahead and pick out the dress. She picked it out today and hopefully the decision will be finalized tomorrow.

I am going to an undergrad party tonight. That should be oh so interesting since I haven't seen undergrad in almost 6 years and my senior year I rarely went to parties. I think I may have been a little lame but I made up for all of that in law school.

So the crush appears to be back in the crush category. The other guy helped me on Tuesday while I was crying my little heart out. He didn't know I was crying but he definitely helped me through it. Afterwards we decided that we were going to get married jokingly. But I did tell him if I am still single at 30 and I am coming for him.

I have nothing else for you guys but I wanted to blog before I sent my computer away. I may blog from my phone but I seriously doubt it.

Coco, Esq.

1 comment:

Jameil said...

i hope you get it!!! dues are gangsta! i got a notice for an undergrad party but it's a step show after party, not my sorority. no. i can't party w/the 18yos.