Wednesday, January 27, 2010


It has been one of those weeks. My supervisor is slightly psychotic. She goes off on you and then 5 minutes later she is sweet as candy. Scary!

The new guy is pretty nice but he doesn't have the gumption. He says he wants us to get together but refuses to set a date. I tell him I am coming to his city and he is like let's get together. That is fine but unless you give me something to do I am going to flake on you. Set a date and I will be there.

Last Saturday I took a dance class at Pol.ela.teaz. I learn how to pop my bo.oty in a hand stand. That was a workout. I was sore for a day or two. I plan on taking the class at least once a month--good workout and I can learn a few tricks ;-)

My friend who I kicked out of my circle will probably be back in. We had over an hour long conversation today. She is better now that the has passed.

I have a mini-me. She really isn't a mini one but I am going to turn her into a diva before it is all said and done. We went to law school together. I am her personal shopper/life coach. I can do that now that I am in a truly happy place. It is fun hanging out with her and pushing her to be the great woman she is meant to be. She has a wonderful work and volunteer life but no personal life. We have to do something about that quickly.

I now have insurance and can go to the doctor--I am so excited! I set up an appointment with my favorite doctor. She is in law school town so I will be making a drive. I love her so!

I have nothing else :-(

Coco, Esq.

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