When are those damn writers and executives going to come to an agreement? Don't they know that my life centers around certain T.V. shows?
So I found the address of this guy I dated in undergrad--should I send him a Christmas card and try to reconnect. I don't know what happened b/t us. Nothing bad--we just lost touch. I really liked him--I considered him the best date I have been on. I think that b/c it was heartfelt and thoughtful. I just don't know how to explain him but I will say he put a smile on my face. Just thinking about him puts a smile on my face :)
My dad is a habitual liar and so is my ex best friend. Where do I find these people? LOL
I love Pandora.
I ordered my dress for the Blackout II. We will see how much I like it when it arrives.
christmas time is the PERFECT opp to re-connect! There is nothing more harmless and innocent that a x-mas card.
sorry on the liars in your life :-(
where is your dress from?
yay for blackout ii! that sounds so fun. i def. considered going since i'm not far away. liars suck. if you send a Christmas card, make it very nonchalant & casual i.e. "just found your addy and decided to drop you a line. Merry Christmas." you know we're HERE on the writers!! lolol.
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