Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Gotta Get My Thoughts Out

When are those damn writers and executives going to come to an agreement? Don't they know that my life centers around certain T.V. shows?

So I found the address of this guy I dated in undergrad--should I send him a Christmas card and try to reconnect. I don't know what happened b/t us. Nothing bad--we just lost touch. I really liked him--I considered him the best date I have been on. I think that b/c it was heartfelt and thoughtful. I just don't know how to explain him but I will say he put a smile on my face. Just thinking about him puts a smile on my face :)

My dad is a habitual liar and so is my ex best friend. Where do I find these people? LOL

I love Pandora.

I ordered my dress for the Blackout II. We will see how much I like it when it arrives.


Adei von K said...

christmas time is the PERFECT opp to re-connect! There is nothing more harmless and innocent that a x-mas card.

sorry on the liars in your life :-(

where is your dress from?

Jameil said...

yay for blackout ii! that sounds so fun. i def. considered going since i'm not far away. liars suck. if you send a Christmas card, make it very nonchalant & casual i.e. "just found your addy and decided to drop you a line. Merry Christmas." you know we're HERE on the writers!! lolol.