Thursday night after the gaming night I went back to my friend's I watched the game and had a guest. I thoroughly enjoyed myself :)
Friday was a lazy day and I was also attached to my new toy. My friend came home from work and we decided to go to Atlantic Station to see the new H.&M. Can you say I was not impressed. I had to stand in a line to get in and then it was crowded. The clothes were not my cup of tea. I saw some cute outfits but I was not pressed to purchase anything. Maybe the next time I go if there are no crowds it will be better. We went to Wal-Mart later on and that is when I found out my friend has a Wal-Mart phobia. She gets physically sick in Wal-Mart every time she goes.
Friday was bad b/c T.im Rus.sert died. That was just so unexpected. Now the R verdict wasn't unexpected and that is only b/c after reading what was placed in front of the jury I knew the prosec.ution had a lot to overcome. All that we know about R was not given to that jury. The legal process is crazy and that is why he was found not guilty. You can't give everything to the jury like we want to.
Saturday was good. I wish I could carry around a video camera and just upload the videos of my antics. I think the funniest thing that happened was the trip to Target and this chick inside. We are getting ready to leave Target and this girl is walking down the aisle like she is auditioning for America's Nex.t T.op Mo.del. That is the first thing that comes to mind when I see her. I mean she has the wind blowing in her hair look and everything. The only problem is we are in Target on Camp Creek. There are no talent scouts in there. My friend breaks out in song. "You better work, supermodel. Work it girl. Sashay, shante!" Or however the song goes.
Later that night I am supposed to go to my dad's house but that did not happen. When I called him he was in Bumfreak West when he clearly lives in Bumfruck North. So I decided to go to a "semi-pro" football game. The game was at a high school football stadium. The teams jerseys were too big and it was just a hot mess all the way around. There was this man who rode the short bus sitting in front of us who decided that he wanted to flirt with all four of us even though he was old enough to be our fathers and he had only half of his bottom teeth (all the ones in the front were gone). He ended his evening by blowing the four of us one big kiss.
After the game we went to a sports bar. Had fun even though it was not crowded at all. We talked, we laughed and just had fun. So while we are talking we find out that the semi-pro team doesn't get paid. How does that make you semi-pro? Sounds like grown man recreation to me. So we got back to my friend's house around midnight. I call my dad to tell him where I was and he still wasn't anywhere near home so I decided to stay put.
I woke up Sunday morning tired and there was no way I could have gotten dressed and gone to church. I finally got dressed around 11:30 and made to my dad's at 12:45. I spent most of the first hours there talking to his girlfriend. She really isn't as bad as I make her out to be in my head. I just have flashbacks from my childhood of her not being so nice. She cooked a nice dinner. My dad loved his present. He put it on later on that day. We hung out and watched Ti.ger. I learned more about golf and I definitely want to learn how to play. There is a golf/tennis shop somewhere near my dad's house that gives free lessons for both golf and tennis. I will have to look into that. They tried to hold me hostage. I left around 8:45 and got home around 11:00. I was about 25 minutes from home and the sky opened up and rain was everywhere. I ended up driving on the side of the road b/c I couldn't see where I was going. It was crazy.
And that was my great weekend!
So, I totally had my hopes up for H&M!I don't need to be shopping anyway!
h&m is hit or miss to me. the ones up north are way better.
you had a THICK weekend!!! that nintendo party sounds awesome!
I wanna meet bloggers and go to gaming parties!! how fun! we're getting a bit old for h&m. that's why. lazy days are good! def. grown man rec. i took a golf class at HU. i suck at it. i'd like to try tennis tho.
I loved it!!!!!!!! Yeah the pro football game was a mess....Why hasn't that guy called Monique since though?????? Inapproriate!!!!!1
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