Wednesday, June 4, 2008

What to Say...

Ok so a lot has happened in the world just not to me.

Last night should have been amazing b/c Obama got the "magic number". I am happy for him and I love the love b/t Barack and Michelle. I wasn't very excited b/c I do not trust Hillary at all. As I type this I know there are some talks that are going on. I just feel like Hillary is going to find a way to take the nomination (Ok maybe I am just paranoid). I am excited to see that there is a black nominee for the Democratic party. There is some wonderfulness in that situation and yes I did say wonderfulness. Once I get over my paranoia I will write about the joy I feel for Obama.

Good news--I have an interview on Monday for a job that I really want to do--what I have wanted to do from day one. The interview is for a law clerk for a Superior Court Judge (Georgia's trial court). Please pray for me or whatever it is you do. I want and need this job. I am going to do a mock interview tomorrow night.

I got a black.berry! I like it thus far but we shall see.

I have been having dreams about the former boo and I feel ready to cave in. Send some strong vibes my way to just say no. I am enjoying my singleness but the dreams are killing me.

Please help me. Ok my LS is getting married and I was thinking of getting her a t-shirt made for her bachelorette party. Should it say Future Mrs. Doe or Mrs. Doe? I like future but will she wear the shirt after the wedding? I want something that will be cute but worn more than once. Did Eva Longoria wear her Mrs. Parker shirt before she got married or did she have it on after the wedding? I know I am probably over thinking this but I like the idea of the t-shirt and I tend to overthink.

Why do members of my family think my mom is a money tree? Latest example: Younger cousin is turning 17 and wants a limo for her birthday so she decides to call my mom to see if my mom is willing to pay half. I think my biggest issue with this is that she always needs money but doesn't have a job. When I was younger my mother told me that as long as I was able bodied and over 16 I had to have a job. If I have a job she didn't mind helping me out. She didn't pay for any of the wedding stuff. (This is the cousin who showed her ass at the hair salon.) I am broke but I don't ask my mom for anything unless I am desperate.

That's all I have for now.


Anonymous said...

Get her the MRS. Doe shit and a button with the word FUTURE on it. that way, she can pu wear the button on the shirt prior to the wedding and take it off and wear the shirt after the wedding.

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Anonymous said...

Much success on the law clerk interview.

And watch out for Blackberry thumb; you'll be scrolling for days. LOL

Dreams of a former boo, huh? I haven't read enough of your blog to know what your history is, but are you sure you're not meant to be together? Dreams are powerful things.

Take care

p_nami said...

Good luck on the interview!

As for the about neither.

Pretty Primadonna said...

Good luck, Coco! I know you will rock that interview, and I will definitely be sending positive vibes your way! :-)

Anonymous said...

Good luck on the interview, welcome to the land of c.rackberries, and I'm with dollface on the shirt.

Skip it. Future or not, is she really every going to wear it again?

Jameil said...

hostess has the perfect idea. i don't trust billary either. rock out at that interview!! i'm ABSOLUTELY going to pray for you! and also about SAYING NO!! HE'S AN EX FOR A REASON!! Please remind yourself of these things. tired of this cousin.