Friday, November 2, 2007

Friday Ramblings

I cut off my hair!

My short term memory is terrible!

Why are hos psycho?

Just so you know feel free to donate to my cause--(the cause is brokeness).

I know we aren't supposed to buy anything today but I have no gas and no food. What is a girl to do?

Why did my friend send me a text message last night saying her 77 year old grandmother had the American Gangster bootleg? All I could do was stare at my phone in disbelief. That was funny.

Btw I will be seeing that on Sunday. Hooray!

I wonder if God blesses me with children will I be a good mom.

So is anyone else disappointed in Jay-Z's Blue Magic? I am not the biggest hip-hop fan but he just didn't do it for me.

Why did you name your child Knowshon? I mean he is a great football player but Knowshon?

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