Ok so I get a message today saying that some client has filed a complaint against me. I don't know what the complaint is but I am not getting paid enough for people to be messing with me and my livelihood. I can tell you what went down during the closing.
There were mistakes on a couple of documents. I personally cannot correct documents so there was nothing I could do. I also cannot give her legal advice b/c I am not her attorney. Whenever she had a question of legal substance I sent her to someone else. I called the lender b/c that is what I am required to do when she has questions. Once again I repeat I cannot answer her legal questions b/c I am the lender's attorney. I am slowly losing my mind. I need a steady job where I have someone I can talk to about issues that come up in every day work. This is not a good fit for me. I am about to cry but I stop b/c I know God has something in store for me that is so much better. Please pray for me and my well being!
I will definitely pray for you!!! Please don't stress yourself out!!!
Happy 100th Founder's Day Soror!!!
Great Blog!!!
Aww, sorry you're having a difficult go of it. Clients can be difficult, to say the least. Anyway, be patient and persistent and you'll get the job you deserve!
I need a job too! pSerendity sent this post to me 'cause I'm experiencing some erra, ummm, similar technical difficulties too. Keep ya chin up.
miss b--Thanks for visiting! Happy 100th Founder's Day Soror!
pserendipity--thanks for the words of encouragement!
girlfriend--You understand the struggle--thanks for the support!
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